Role: UX Researcher, User Interface Design, and Wireframe
Timeline: One Month
Key Skills: UI Design, Prototype, and User Testing
Tools: Figma
Team: Kezia Gabriella Taufiq, Luke Do​​​​​​​
Assignment Overview

This project was created for an Interaction Design course. My team and I were assigned to research and create a new feature for the Splitwise app. Splitwise is a payment app that automatically calculates multiple bills and splits expenses for a group of people.

My team and I aimed to put our critical thinking skills to the test to create something that would add value to an existing application. We started the research by gathering observation and qualitative data from in-person user interviews of 7 participants. Additionally, we did a competitive analysis with other splitting bills apps and read reviews online for the secondary research.
The most standout review we found is that the reviewer lost a friendship because the “settle up” feature is not reliable.
Competitive Analysis

We conducted a competitive analysis for in-depth research on features and found that Splitwise offers more features than other split group expenses.
User Interview Insights

We interviewed Splitwise users to find several potential directions that we could use to improve Splitwise’s overall user experience. We found common answers from the interviewee, and here is the summary:

With the gathered information, we formed our persona for the project.
Implement Feature

“Payment Information and 2-way verification” Feature
This feature lets users see their friends’ preferred payment methods when settling debts. Additionally, through real-time updates, users can see the status of their payments and know precisely when they have been received. Simplifying the process of managing shared expenses streamlines the process and ensures peace of mind for all users involved.
Final prototype

Here are the videos showing how to use Splitwise's payment information and 2-way verification feature and how to add preferred payment information.

This project taught me the importance of remembering that with every design iteration, the design itself should still align with the user needs. Furthermore, I felt that I got a more realistic view of how product managers and UX designers alike need to ideate to improve their products continuously.

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